Thursday, December 27, 2007


Jonathan: This is the ultimate blend to drink. How'd you find this place?
Sara: I first came in because of the name: Serendipity. It's one of my favorite words.
Jonathan: It is? Why?
Sara: It's such a nice sounding word for what it means: a fortunate accident.

Sara: You don't have to understand. You just have to have faith. Jonathan: Faith in what?
: Destiny

Oky’s Weds Party

Akhirnya hari ini ade bungsu gue mengakhiri masa lajangnya, thx good he finally found his soulmate. Selamat menempuh hidup baru ya Oky & Ary, all the best for you, semoga menjadi keluarga yang sakinah, mawardah, warromah dan gue cepet-cepet dikasi ponakan yang lucu biar Mayra juga dapet temen & ade kecil :). Berhubung papa & mama Mayra ga mo nambah ade lagi.

Hmmm….setiap menjelang acara pernikahan sepertinya memang selalu meninggalkan kesan tersendiri. Selalu ada saja kejadian yang seru dan indah untuk diingat kembali nantinya *senyum-senyum sendiri*……..Inget gimana pas sehari sebelum hari H, CPP masih sibuk mencari-cari baju penganten buat acara akad nikah ampe malem hari :D, what a weird day & nice moment to remember.

Sehari setelah hari H, ntah kenapa gue baru merasa like something missing & I miss my lil brother heuheuheuuu……perasaan yang sama seperti saat ade gue yang cewe alias mama Mayra meninggalkan rumah & menempati rumah baru bersama suaminya.But that’s life, we have to accept all the changes that happened in our life.

Friday, December 14, 2007

My Horoscope Today

The Bottom Line

Think you can only connect with that cutie in your dreams? Think again -- say hi.

In Detail

If you think that you can only meet up with that certain someone in your dreams, think again. The only thing stopping you from having a rewarding conversation with them is you -- or rather, your fears. This person is more willing to connect with you than you might realize, so why are you doubting your social skills? The stars are sending you a bit of an ego boost early in the day -- use it to make the first move and get a conversation going that you may never forget. should I make the conversation guyz??? It's the sign oh what?? coz right now I'm kinda believe that there's no coincidence, but the universe always give you the sign hehehe......wish me luck guyz....Nice weekend for all of u mmmuuuaahhh......